dimecres, 2 de juny del 2010

valoracio del curs

A les classes d'anglès.Tots els dies menys un anem a ''l'aula'' d'imformàtica hem anat al blogger com que no tenim gaires ordinadors els que es queden sense fan fitxes , llegir o escriure.I el dia restant fem gramàtica a classe.També ens han passat pelicules al llarg del curs
De cara el curs que ve cadescú tindrà un ordinador i ja no ens barallarem per anar a informatica
Jo crec que està molt bé això del blog.

dimarts, 1 de juny del 2010

Pascual Sauvage

Pascal are a french millionaire. has got blue eyes and blond hair.He has got long hair.He is the bead of the film.He was the king of England

dijous, 27 de maig del 2010

Johnny English

Johnny English has got brawn eyes and brawn hair.Is a secret agent and he has find aut where is the Queen's craunt .He is wearing a suit.I's the actor of Mr. Bean.

Present continous

I'm shopping
You're shopping
He she it's shopping
We're shopping
You're shopping
They're shopping

I am walking
You are walking
He she it is walking
We are walking
You are walking
They are walking

list of frequency verbs


I always go to the bowling alley
I usually go to the cinema
I often go to the bookshop
I sometimes go to the supermarket
I never go to the sports shop

Parts of sailing boad