A les classes d'anglès.Tots els dies menys un anem a ''l'aula'' d'imformàtica hem anat al blogger com que no tenim gaires ordinadors els que es queden sense fan fitxes , llegir o escriure.I el dia restant fem gramàtica a classe.També ens han passat pelicules al llarg del curs
De cara el curs que ve cadescú tindrà un ordinador i ja no ens barallarem per anar a informatica
Jo crec que està molt bé això del blog.
dimecres, 2 de juny del 2010
dimarts, 1 de juny del 2010
Pascual Sauvage
dijous, 27 de maig del 2010
Johnny English
Present continous
I'm shopping
You're shopping
He she it's shopping
We're shopping
You're shopping
They're shopping
I am walking
You are walking
He she it is walking
We are walking
You are walking
They are walking
You're shopping
He she it's shopping
We're shopping
You're shopping
They're shopping
I am walking
You are walking
He she it is walking
We are walking
You are walking
They are walking
list of frequency verbs
I always go to the bowling alley
I usually go to the cinema
I often go to the bookshop
I sometimes go to the supermarket
I never go to the sports shop
I always go to the bowling alley
I usually go to the cinema
I often go to the bookshop
I sometimes go to the supermarket
I never go to the sports shop
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